Ahnenforschung - Genealogy
German-Polish names of the localities
Fed. of East European Family History
Ramsperger's Genealogie, Heraldik . . .
Hutterite Genealogy HomePage
LDS Family History Centers
Roots Web: Lots of good stuff
THE College of Arms London England
Irish Family History Foundation
International White Pages
Musik - Music
Wer geholfen hat/Who Helped
Kohji Suguiyama Multilingual Songs
Yaskawa Moclin's Midi Collection
Stephen Foster & many other tunes
200 International Music Links
100s Folkdance descriptions& Midis
Kinder Midis & Texts by Franz
ASCAP Title/Publisher/artist/ Search
Search the alt.music.lyrics archive
Heino worship page
A Few Silent Night Sites
19th Century US Sheet Music UNC
19th Century US Sheet Music Levy
19th Century US Sheet Music LC
19th Century US Sheet Music UCLA
19th Century US Sheet Music Duke
THE Silent Night Page by Jako Olivier
Orpheus, das Portal zur Welt der Musik
Music in the Public Domain
Shanties RA, Midi, Noten, CD . . .
Grabbag - Glücksbeutel
Gendarmeriesportverein Burgenland
Fascinating pictures by Dmitriy Vorontsov
Index of Resources for Historians
Logos Multilingual Dictionary
Leo English <=> German Dictionary
Swedish<=>English Dictionary
600 dictionaries in 150 languages
5 language translations Systrans
7 language translations SDL
5 language text translation Babelfish
Gemeinschaft für Studentengeschichte
CIA Publications and Handbooks
The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
History of the English Language Resources
Deutschkanadischer Kongress German Canadian Congress-Ontario
Danila Comastri Montanari Historical Novels
Pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope
Hans Snoeks Drachenarchiv