A Life On the Ocean Wave

Melody - Henry Russell

Epes Sargent

A life on the ocean wave!
A home on the rolling deep!
|: Where the scatter'd waters rave,
   And the winds their revels keep! :|
Like an eagle cag'd I pine,
On this dull unchanging shore,
Oh! give me the flashing brine,
The spray and the tempest's roar,

A life on the ocean wave!
A home on the rolling deep!
Where the scatter'd waters rave,
And the winds their revels keep,
|: The winds, the winds
   The winds their revels keep! :|
  Once more on the deck I stand
Of my own swift gliding craft,
|: Set sail! farewell to the land,
   The gale follows fair abaft. :|
We shoot thro' the sparkling foam,
Like an ocean-bird set free,
Like the ocean-bird, our home
We'll find far out on the sea!
A life on the ocean wave! . . . .

The land is no longer in view,
The clouds have begun to frown,
|: But with a stout vessel and crew
   We'll say, let the storm come down! :|
And the song of our hearts shall be
While the winds and the waters rave,
A life on the heaving sea!
A home on the bounding wave!
A life on the ocean wave! . . . .

The words of 'A Life on the Ocean Wave!' were presented to the composer, Henry Russell, by the poet after they had been rejected by a publisher. Russell, an Englishman by birth, was seeking his fortune in America and took the manuscript of the poem into a Broadway music store where, in his own words: "I was invited into a back room where there was a capital piano. I hummed an air or two, ran my fingers over the keys, then stopped, feeling baffled; suddenly an idea struck me and presently touching the keys with a confident exclamation, that bright little air rang out which is now so well known."

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