Saved From the Storm

Melody - Odoardo Barri (alias Edward Slater), 1844-1920

Fred E. Weatherly

It was a Breton village,
That lay by the sea,
She was a fishermaiden,
Mariner stout was he;
Farewell, true heart,
For we must part,
The wind calling down the sea.
But for me thou'lt pray
In the chapel gray
Navitas Salva Domine.
  It was a night of terror,
Wild was the sea,
He in the storm is drifting,
Watching in prayer is she,
Sweet heart! Sweet heart!
And must we part?
No boat can live in such a sea,
But still she cries
With streaming eyes,
Navitas Salva Domine.

Bright was the Breton village, bright was the sea;
She was a fishermaiden, Mariner stout was he.
'Twas Heav'n above that sav'd me, love!
And brought me back from storm to thee;
In the chapel gray we'll kneel and pray,
Gloria Tibi Domine.

Italian names have always been fashionable in the musical world and many composers have adopted Italianate pseudonyms. Odoardo Barri might not have done nearly so well if he had stuck to his real name - Edward Slater. Barri (1844-1920) is probably best remembered for his immensely popular 'The Old Brigade' - a song in which he once again collaborated with Fred E. Weatherly. 'Saved from the Storm' is typical of the late nineteenth-century drawing-room ballad - three verses in an almost nocturne-like structure based on a simple harmonic progression with quasi-religious undertones in both words and music. It must have heen extremely well received with its polite whiff of salty spray - enough to entertain, without disturbing one leaf of the aspidistra.

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