Mademoiselle from Armentières Par ley voo, Mademoiselle from Armentières Par ley voo, Mademoiselle from Armentières, She hasn't been kissed for forty years, Hinky, Dinky Par ley voo. Our top kick in Armentières Soon broke the spell of forty years, O Mademoiselle from gay Paree, You certainly did play hell with me. One night I had a "beaucoup" jack, Till a Mademoiselle got on my track. The Mademoiselle from St. Nazaire, She never washed her underwear. The colonel got the Croix de Guerr, The sunofagun was never there. Twas a hell of a war as we recall, But still, 'twas better than no war at all. |
Farmer have you a daughter fair Par ley voo, Farmer have you a daughter fair Par ley voo, Farmer have you a daughter fair Who washes the family underwear Hinky, Dinky Par ley voo. With her I flirted, I confess, But she got revenge when she said "yes" The doughboy he went over the top Because he had no place to stop. From gay Paree he heard guns roar, And all he learned was 'je t'adore". The day we sailed away from Brest I said "Goodbye" and thought the rest. Twelve long, rainy months or more, I spent hunting for that war. Where are the girls who used to swarm About me in my uniform? |
Mademoiselle from Armentières Par ley voo, Mademoiselle from Armentières Par ley voo, You might forget the gas and shell You'll never forget the Mademoiselle Hinky, Dinky Par ley voo. |
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