Molihua   Jasmine Flower

Melody (AU/1MB) - folksong from China

Hao yiduo meilidi molihua;
Hao yiduo meilidi molihua.
Fenfang meili manzhiya,
Yu xiang yu bai renren kua

Rang wo lai jiang ni zhaixia
Songgei bierenjia,
Molihua ya, molihua
Tr. Ed Peaslee, 1999
Here is a beautiful jasmine flower;
Here is a beautiful jasmine flower.
Perfumed blossoms fill the branch,
Fragrant and white for everyone's delight.

Let me come and pick a blossom
To give to someone,
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower.

A folksong from Suzhou in Jiangsu Province. Suzhou is a city famous for its gardens.

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