Melody - The Girl I left Behind Me (No Chorus)
1. I've come shust now to tells you how I goes mit regimentals, To Schlauch dem voes of Liberty, Like dem ole Continentals Vot fights mit England, long ago, To save de Yankee Eagle; Und now I gets mine sojer clothes, I'm going to fight mit Sigel.
2. Ven I comes from de Deutch Countree, |
3. I gets ein tam big rifle guns, Und puts him to mine shoulder, Den march so bold, like a big jack-horse, Und may been someding bolder; I goes off mit de volunteers, To save de Yankee Eagle; To give dem Rebel vellers fits, I'm going to fight mit Sigel. Chorus:
4. Dem Deutshen mens mit Sigel's band, |
5. For rations dey gives salty pork, I dinks dat was a great sell; I petter likes de Sour Kraut, De Switzer Kaize un Pretzel. If Fighting Joe (or Liddle Mac.) Will give us dem, Ve'll save de Yankee Eagle; Und I'll put mine Frau in breechaloons, I'm go un fight mit Sigel. Chorus: |
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