House of the Rising Sun

Melody -

1. There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
It's been the ruin of many a poor girl
And me, Oh Lord! was one

My mother was a tailor,
She sewed them new blue jeans.
My lover he was a gambler, Oh Lord,
|: Gambled down in New Orleans. :|

2. My lover, he was a gambling man
He went from town to town;
And the only time he was satisfied
Was when he drank his liquor down.

Now the only thing a gambling man needs
Is a suitcase and a trunk;
And the only time he's ever satisfied
|: Is when he's on a drunk. :|

3. If I only list'nd when my dear mother said:
Beware, my child, when you roam,
Keep away from drunkards and all those gambling men,
It's best by far to come home.

Go and tell my baby sister
Never do like I have done,
But to shun that house in New Orleans
|: That they call the Rising Sun. :|

4. With one foot on the platform,
And one foot on the train
I'm goin' back to New Orleans
To wear the ball and chain.

I'm going back to New Orleans
My race is almost run;
I'm going back to spend the rest of my life
|: Beneath that Rising Sun. :|

Snad znáš ten dům za New Orleans,
ve štítu znak slunce má,
je to dům, kde lká sto chlapců ubohejch
a v němž jsem zkejs' i já.

Mé mámě Bůh dal věnem
jen prát a šít blue jeans,
táta můj se flákal jen
sám po New Orleans.

Bankrotář se zhroutil před hernou,
jenom bídu svou měl a chlast,
k putykám pak táh' tu pouť mizernou
a znal jenom pít a krást.

Být matkou, dám svým synům
lepší dům, než má kdo z vás,
ten dům, kde spím, má emblém sluneční,
ale je v něm jen zima a chlad.

Kdybych směl se hnout z těch kleští,
pěstí vytrhnout tu mříž,
já jak v snách bych šel do New Orleans
a měl tam k slunci blíž.

Snad znáš ten dům za New Orleans,
ve štítu znak slunce má,
je to dům, kde lká sto chlapců ubohejch
a v němž jsem zkejs' i já.

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