You roving blades and winsome maids That hopes to emigrate To England's soil to work and toil And wealth accumulate Consider well before you go What lies in store for you Take my advice and think twice 'ere You join McAlpine's crew
From Dun Laoghaire quay I sailed away |
The foreman's bark from dawn to dark Was "Boys make no delay For if you do I'm telling you, I'll dock it from your pay" The Sunday Mass to him alas Was something rather new Likewise to many other boys All in McAlpine's crew
From dawn to dark each day I'd work, |
And now at last I'm back at home, I'm back in Aughamore And, truth to tell, I'm getting well, Much wiser than before Oh Camden Town on you I frown Its no wonder that I do So in God's own land I'll make me stand And curse McAlpine's crew |
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