Der Lindenbaum   The Lindentree

Melodie - Franz Schubert 1827 (1797-1828)

Wilhelm Müller, 1822 (1794-1827)

Am Brunnen vor dem Tore
Da steht ein Lindenbaum
Ich träumt in seinem Schatten
So manchen süßen Traum
Ich schnitt in seine Rinde
so manches liebes Wort
Es zog in Freud und Leide
|: Zu ihm mich immer fort :|

Ich mußt auch heute wandern
Vorbei in tiefer Nacht
Da hab ich noch im Dunkel
Die Augen zugemacht
Und seine Zweige rauschten
Als riefen sie mir zu:
"Komm her zu mir, Geselle
|: Hier findst du deine Ruh :|

Die kalten Winde bliesen
Mir grad ins Angesicht
Der Hut flog mir vom Kopfe
Ich wendete mich nicht
Nun bin ich manche Stunde
Entfernt von diesem Ort
Und immer hör ich's rauschen:
|: "Du fändest Ruhe dort :|

Tr. Frank, 2001

Outside the gate's a fountain
And an old Lindentree,
Under its shady branches
My dreams were sweet and free.
I carved in its old bark,
So many phrases dear.
In times of joy and sadness
|: It always drew me near. :|

Today I still must wander
All through the gloomy night
'twas then that in the darkness
I closed my eyes so tight.
And I heard branches whisper
As if they called to me:
Come to me weary traveler,
|: You'll find your peace with me. :|

The frigid winds were blowing
Against my face and me.
My hat flew into darkness,
I did not turn to see.
Now I am many hours
Away from this old tree
And still I hear it whispering
|: You'd find your peace with me. :|

1. Ad puteum in porta
Stat arbor tilia,
In umbra somniavi
Tot blanda somnia;
Tot voculas incidi
In eius cortice,
Laetum et tristem traxit
Me nunquam non ad se.

2. Cum illum praeterirem
Sub noctem hodie,
Id oculorum feci
Operta acie;
Et rami obstrepebant,
Quasi iubentes me:
Veni ad me, mi soci,
Frueris requie!

3. Et quamquam patiebatur
Os venti rabiem,
Non, petaso ablato,
Converti faciem.
Nunc passuum sum multa
Ab loco milia,
Et tamen: Hic quiesces!
Obstrepit tilia.

Ad fontem ante portam,
Hic adstat tilia;
In umbra somniabam
Iucunda somnia;
Incidi cara verba
In eius cortice;
Et laetum et dolentem
Attraxit semper me.

Cum praeter eam ii
Hac nocte media,
In tenebris occlusi
Tum mea lumina.
Stridebant eius rami
Vocantes quasi me:
"Deverte huc sodalis,
Hic manet quies te."

Flaverunt venti acres
In faciem mihi
Et nudaverunt caput
Nec tamen redii.
Ab illa regione
Iam dudum procul sum,
Ad aures semper strepit:
"Hic esset otium."

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