1. Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, Über alles in der Welt, Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze Brüderlich zusammenhält, Von der Maas bis an die Memel, Von der Etsch bis an den Belt - |: Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, Über alles in der Welt. :|
2. Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, |
3. Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Für das deutsche Vaterland! Danach laßt uns alle streben Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Sind des Glückes Unterpfand. |: Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes, Blühe, deutsches Vaterland. :|
(4. Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, |
3. Ius, concordia, libertas Pro Germana patria, Haec fraterne nos petamus Dextra atque anima! Ius, concordia, libertas Sunt salutis pignora, Flore in salutis luce Tu, Germana patria! |
1. Germany, Germany above all * Above everything in the world * When, always, for protection and defense Brothers stand together. From the Maas to the Memel From the Etsch to the Belt, Germany, Germany above all Above all in the world.
2. German women, German fidelity, Während der Ruhrbesetzung durch die Franzosen entstand die 4. Liedstrophe, gedichtet von Albert Matthäi. |
3. Unity and right and freedom For the German Fatherland; Let us all strive to this goal Brotherly, with heart and hand. Unity and rights and freedom Are the pledge of fortune grand. Prosper in this fortune's glory, Prosper German fatherland. *The sentiment of the first two lines is: "Esteemed above everything in the world", (as most citizens express of their homeland) not "rulers of the world." At the time it was written, it was a call to unite the many independent states into one unified Germany. Verse 4. was a short-lived afterthought by another author and is seldom seen. Today only the third verse is the official anthem but there are movements that consider even the second verse offensive and that wish to ban the entire song. |