Ein lustger Musikante Marschierte am Nil, O tempora, o mores! Da kroch aus dem Wasser Ein großer Krokodil, O tempora, o mores! Der wollt ihn gar verschlucken, Wer weiß, wie das geschah? Juchheirassassa, o tempo-tempora? Gelobet seist du jederzeit, Frau Musika!
2. Da nahm der Musikante
3. Und wie der Musikante
4. Er tanzte wohl im Sande,
5. Und als die Pyramiden
6. 'ne Musikantenkehle, |
1. Dum laetus citharista in Nili ripa it, O tempora, o mores! Ex undis crocodilus se magnus proripit, O tempora, o mores! Is voluit vorare, quis scit, qui fiat id? Joheirassasa, o temp - o tempora! Matrona semper musica laudata sit!
2. Tum sumpsit citharista
3. Et uti ille primum
4. In orbem in arena tum
5. Pyramides cum foedam
6. Homunclus citharista |
Vir musicus iocosus ad Nilum ambulat, O tempora, o mores! Cum grandis crocodilus ex aqua provolat, O tempora, o mores! Qui illum est hausurus, Quae sunt facinora? Juchheirassassassa, o tempotempora! Lauderis omni tempore, o Musica!
Vir musicus deprompsit tum suam fidulam,
Ut musicus de-inde incepit stringere, |
R.H. Ulrichs, Kolussi
1. Cum viola et arcu ad Nilum musicus ibat, quum crocodilus erupit fluctibus.
2. Patefecit bestia fauces horrentes dentibus
3. Is tangit arcu chordas pavore pallidus
4. Quum sonitus audisset tam suaves, subito
5. Saltavit iuxta ripam pedibusque circulos
6. Pyramidasque cauda feriebat bellua,
7. Et una est earum sub his valentibus
8. Quae corruens oppressit Niliacum pecus;
9. At ille, sic servatus feliciter, viam
10. Ut tantum post terrorem paulum quiesceret
11. Quum unicum adesset Falerni dolium
12. Nam sitis illi semper non parva fuerat
13. Horrore narrationis et nos tremiscimus;
1. A musician was walking along the Nile with viol and bow
2. The beast showed his teeth, bristling in his jaw,
3. The man put bow to viol, pale with fear,
4. When the sprightly sounds reached the monster's ears
5. He danced in circles on the sand amid
6. He slapped the pyramids with his hefty tail
7. One of them collapsed under a mighty blow
8. The monument wholly crushed the croc's
9. The minstrel was so happy to have saved his own skin,
10. Though he had of his fearsome foe been rid,
11. There he tossed down Tokay and Burgundy, and when he
12. Our hero had always had bouts of strong thirst;
13. His story has moved us; in sympathy for his plight, |