Hans Breitmann
All? The Ballads

by Charles G. Leland. 1889
to the memory of the late Nicholas Trübner
This Work is Dedicated by Charles G. Leland London, 1871.

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Introduction by the Publishers

- - Hans Breitmann's Barty
- - Breitmann and the Turners
- - Ballad by Hans Breitmann
- - A Ballad About the Rowdies
- - The Picnic
- - I Gili Romaneskro
- - Steinli von Slang
- - To a Friend Studying German
- - Love Song
- - Der Freischütz
- - Wein Geist

Schnitzerl's Philosopede
- - I. Prologue
- - II. Hans Breitmann and His Philosopede

Die Schöne Wittwe
- - I. Vot de Yankee Chap Sung
- - II. How der Breitmann Cut Him Out

Breitmann in Battle
- - Breitmann in Maryland
- - Breitmann as a Bummer
- - - - Second Part
- - Breitmann's Going to Church

Breitmann in Kansas
Hans Breitmann's Christmas
Breitmann About Town

Breitmann in Politics
- - 1. The Nomination
- - 2. The Committee of Instruction
- - 3. Mr. Twine Explains being "Sound Upon the Goose"
- - 4. How Breitmann and Smith were Reported to be Log Rolling
- - 5. How They Held the Mass Meeting
- - 6. Breitmann's Great Speech
- - Pardt de Virst: The Author Asserts the Vast Intellectual Superiority of Germans to Americans
- - Pardt de Second: - Showing How Mr. Hiram Twine "Played off" on Smith

Breitmann as an Uhlan
- - I. The Vision
- - II. Breitmann in a Balloon
- - III. Breitmann and Bouilli
- - IV. Breitmann takes the Town of Nancy
- - V. Breitmann in Bivouac
- - VI. Breitmann's Last Barty

- - Breitmann in Paris
- - Breitmann in la Sorbonne
- - Breitmann in Forty-Eight

Breitmann in Belgium
- - Spa
- - Ostende
- - Gent

Breitmann in Holland
- - 's Gravenhage - The Hague
- - Leyden
- - Scheveningen
- - Amsterdam

- - Breitmann am Rhein - Cologne
- - Am Rhein - No. II
- - Am Rhein - No. III
- - Munich
- - Frankfort on the Main

- - Breitmann in Rome
- - La Scala Santa
- - Breitmann Interviews the Pope

The First Edition of Breitmann - Showing How and Why it Was That it Never Appeared

The Last Ballads
- - Breitmann in Turkey
- - Cobus Hagelstein
- - Fritzerl Schnall
- - The Gypsy Lover
- - Dornenlieder
- - Breitmann's Sleigh-Ride
- - The Magic Shoes


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