200 International Music Links

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das Portal zur Welt der Musik
19th Century London Theatre & J. R. Planché
A1A Folk/British MIDI Page
Richard C. Aguilar's Spanish/German language & song pages
All Crazy English & Pakistani MIDIs
Al's Lyrics Site
Alfons Eschle: singende Säge & Theremin
Alvaro Guevara y Vazquez, composer
Musik & Aquarelle   Manfred Ammer
Ancient Music of Ireland   lotsa MIDIs
Arbeiter- und Kampflieder
Alles Schellak!!
Alles Schellack!!
Gesuchte Platten

Associazione Nationale Bersaglieri
ASZA - World Music New Directions in World Music
All about the Ash Grove
Audiomusic.info | Music Web Guide
Austrian Folk Dance Roland Bauer
Badner-Lied Seite
Balinese Gamelan MIDI
Banshee Music
Basement Records
Belarusan Music Source
das musikalische Gold der Ostseedas musikalische Gold der Ostsee
Bienvenue chez Cricri(Paroles de chansons francophones)
Big JS Bach Page
Blackey's National Anthem MIDIs
Bluegrass Songbook Japan
Bossanova MIDIs
Quality recordings of the great wars Quality recordings of the great wars

Salvador da Bahia, Brazil Online Brazil Online

Antonio Burgos Las canciones de Antonio Burgos
Carmina Popularia / Latin Translations of Some Popular Songs
Don Carroll's MIDI-Riff-Bulge Wow!
Carolina Culture Connection Music Links Index
Celtic songs from Madison, Wisconsin
Chansonniers Songbooks - Les Pages a Barfly
Lustige Leut'Chanties gesungen & gespielt
RA, Midi, Noten, CD . . .
und mehr froher Kram
CHI-Chan Japanese folk, classical Midis & Flowers
Chinese & Indonesian MIDIs
Chinese MIDI Songs
Musik Suchmaschine

Christmas Carols
Visit Franz
Classical Midi Files with Words
The Classical Music Navigator Information on 444 classical composers, arranged in ways that help users expand their awareness of musical works complementing and extending their already-existing likes.
Classical Sheet Music and MIDIs from Leonid Portnoy
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Eireann Official Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann Web Site for traditional Irish Music and Culture
Country Lyrics Sicota
Country Music Lyrics Shawn
COWPIE Bunkhouse
gv eintracht 1887 spöck e.v.
David Owens' Welsh Hills Music
David W Solomons' music site! Midi, MP3, CD, scores
DDR Lieder und Nostalgie
Deep Down Productions: World Music MP3s, CDs and information specializing in Georgian, Indonesian, Gamelan and Jazz
Delbrücker Liedgut von Funki Köllner
Der singend Gastwirt Silvio Kuhnert
Deutsche Schulen im Ausland. Forum für aktive u. ehemalige Schüler
Deutscher Runrig Fan Club
Deutschlands einziger singende Gynäkologe Friedrich Schliemann singt und spielt Richard Germer und Hamburger Lieder
Digital Tradition / Mudcat Cafe 1,000s of Folksongs, Blues, T-shirts etc.

Liederbucharchiv: Quellen, Komponisten, Autoren und Verlage
  Großes Liederbucharchiv:
  Quellen, Komponisten, Autoren Verlage . . . .
Midis from Ecuador and more
Emily's Lyrics
España es mi canción
Multinational songs You gotta hear theses guys

Europäisches Musik Journal Zeitschrift für Musik und Musikpädagogik
Folk MIDI & More
Stephen Foster and other Oldies

Franz Kafka web site
Franz Rodenkirchen Alleinunterhalter und Musiker für Veranstaltung aller Art

for Piano, Saxophone, Guitar, Accordion, Orchestra, Violin, Choralfor Piano, Saxophone, Guitar, Accordion, Orchestra, Violin, Choral

nice selection and variety

Friedrich Silcher Museum & Biographie
Volkslieder und Pop-Songs
Ilya Kudriashov's GHQ RUIlya Kudriashov's GHQ RU

Gedichte, Dichter und Gedichtsuche

Hervormde Kerk DinteloordGenevan psalms composed by Louis Bourgeois
Gesangverein "Eintracht" Fahrenbach e.V.1900
Gospel Choirs DE
Greek traditional folk recordings
Greek historian Herodotus translated, with many photos
harp.net Irish Harp Organisations, Festivals, Summerschools, Albums, Magazines and a Harp Bulletin Board.

Hatz von Hatzenstein
Entertainer, Zauberer & Minnesänger
- mittelalterliche Stimmungskanone -

HeiMouse-Homepage Liedertexte 1977-1987
Nice Hymns Text with Midis
IceMan's Lyrics French and English
Indonesian MIDI Songs
Indonesian Pop MIDIs
International Lyrics Server
Irish Folk Songs Finland
Irish Music Magazine for news, views and more on the Irish Folk and Trad scene.
Italo Dance MIDIs
Jörg Weichelts Liederbuch
Jo-JUKEBOX Lyrics by E-Mail
Jordan O'Connell Celtic MIDI Archive
The Journal of Music in Ireland
Karls MIDI Page
Kim Gordons Karaoke Site Sweden
Kirchenmusik Textsammlung
Kohji Suguiyama Multilingual Songs
Tablature & Standard Notation Editor
Latin MIDI Demos
Letras Latin American
La légion étrangère, Geschichte u. Tradition
Lorenz Maierhofer's Music Page
Lots & Lots of Pop Midi Files
LowLand's Alternative Music Archives
Russian Gypsy Band The Russian Gypsy Band
150,000 Lyrics to download
Lyric.SU - Song Lyrics and Soundtrack Archive
Lyrics to Traditional & Bluegrass Songs
Lyrics Time The great Lyrics provider

Mandy's International Film & TV Production DirectoryMandy's International Film
& TV Production Directory

Meaningful Lyrics Area
Mama Lisa?s World: Childrens Songs of All Nations
Marels Music from Japan
Markus Ostheimer allerlei Lieder
MELOMAG azine Creative art from around the world

Russian songs
            also a fascinating Russian Gallery, a must-see!


MIDI National Anthems
MIDI Page in Chinese

MIDI songs Oldies, Movies, TV Shows, Keyboardstyles, more...
Music Find - search mp3 songs, ringtonez and lyrics
Musikfachzeitschrift Nova Giulianiad (Gitarre und Laute) gewidmet
Friends of Südwest / Namibia Friends of Namibia
Noriko Sakai Asian Pop MIDIs

Portugese Music portal     Portugese pop artists

Free flamenco & Classical scores Free flamenco & Classical scores

Search for... Classical Sheet Music
to download instantly!
Pinky's Collection of J-POP Lyrics & MP3
Poems and Thoughts in Rhyme from Al Huber
Poëtisch Liedgenootschap
Portugese MIDI
Portuguese/Brazilian MIDIs
Rene Schubert's Lyric Server Rock- & Pop 80's - 90's
Roizine a teen e-zine for E-pals, poetry, horoscopes etc.
RowyNet Free scans of antique scores
Russian Club Songs Page
Russian MIDI Web
Scherberger Jungenspiele
Schweinfurter Kammerchor
Several Latin MIDIs
Shanties and Sea Songs
Silent Night / Stille Nacht Web Pages
Slavophelia - Music and other Resources
Some of my dad's favourite songs
Songs of Praise, Text & Tunes
Songtexte Rock und Pop
Spanish Dance/Pop MIDI Files

Texte, Melodien, Noten u. mehr von Österreich

Stromerhannes Georg Sluyterman von Langeweyde
Super MIDI Latino
Swedish National Anthem
titik Pilipino Filipino Lyrics
Turkish MIDI Music
Ukrainian Christmas songs and pictures
Veerle de Leyn "Die Klingende Brücke"
Vietnamese Modern MIDI Music
Web Thumper's MIDI Page

Wild Dismay Traditional Tunes
XIME's Lyrics of Songs Engl. Span. Ital. & Portug.
Geocities Midifiles

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