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The current version of NewsRover is:
Version 14.4 Rev.2
December 2008

Check out the newest features in version 13

Try News Rover today! Get a FREE fully functional demo for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP

System Requirements for News Rover

  • Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP
  • At least 8 MB of memory.
  • 5 MB of disk space plus however much space is required for downloaded messages and files.
  • Connection to an Internet provider with a news server.
If you are an AOL subscriber or use another Internet provider that doesn't provide adequate Usenet news service, check out these News Providers.

We do not have a version of News Rover for Windows 3.11, OS/2 or the Macintosh.

You are welcome to download a free, demonstration version of News Rover. You can convert the demo version into a full version at any time by getting a registration key. The registered version allows unlimited message scans and downloads. You can leave it running all day and night if you wish to collect hundreds, even thousands of movies, music files and pictures.

If you decide to register your copy of NewsRover, please use the "About" link at the top of your NewsRover window,
Thank you.

Installation instructions

    1. Download News Rover (nrsetup.zip, about 5 MB)
    2. Execute the downloaded file (nrsetup.exe).
    3. Wizards will guide you through using News Rover.
    4. Extensive help documentation is available in the program.
    5. If you have any problems installing or using News Rover, we want to know about it. Please send problem reports and questions to RoverSupport@sandh.com