A cowboy's life is a weary thing, Rope and brand and ride and sing. Yes, day or night, in the sleet and hail, He'll stay with the dogies out on the trail. Refrain: |: Rain or shine, sleet or snow, Me and my Doney Gal are bound to go. :| We're up and gone at the break of day, Driving them dogies on their lonesome way. The cowboy's work is never done; We're up and gone from sun to sun. We yell at the rain, laugh at the hail, Driving them dogies down the lonesome trail. We'll yell at the rain, sleet and snow, When we reach the little town of San Antonio. |
Rain or shine, sleet or snow, Me and my Doney Gal are on the go. We travel down that lonesome trail, Where a man and his horse seldom ever fail. Travelin' up the lonesome trail, Where a man and his horse seldom ever fail, Joggin' along through fog and dew, Wishin' for sunny days, and you. Over the prairies lean and brown, On through the wastes where there ain't no town, Swimmin' the rivers across our way, We fight on forward day-end on day. Trailin' the herd through mountains green, We pen the cattle in Abilene. Round the campfire's flickerin' glow, We sing the songs of long ago. |
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