1. A German clockwinder to Manchester came And Peter Von Gherkin was the old German's name All up our street with his little brass bell "Some clocks for to wind," this old German would yell. Refrain: I toodalum, I toodalum, I toodalum I ay I toodalum, I toodalum in the old fashioned way I toodalum, I toodalum, I toodalum I ay Well I winds 'em by night and I mends 'em by day ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong. 2. He's met a young woman in Stephenson Square She said as her clock was in need of repair She took him upstairs and he followed with delight In less than ten minutes, he'd set her clock right. Refrain: |
3. Now this old German was the ladies' delight He often went to 'em by day and by night And some went too fast-like, others went too slow But nine out o' ten, he could make 'em all go. Refrain: 4. While they were busy at what they was at All of a sudden there came a rat-tat And in came her hubby who got such a shock To see this old German winding up his wife's clock. Refrain: 5. Our clock it was bent and knocked out of repair Well that poor old German, he got such a scare That never, oh never, for the rest of his life Would he wind up the clock of another man's wife. Refrain: |
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