1. Ah, it's likely gone six months ago I came to Dublin town, Where I joined a gang of lab'ring men Who laid the ashpelt down; Sure, now I wear a Guernsey And around me waist a belt I'm the gaffer of the boys That make the hot ashpelt. 2. Well one day a copper comes up to me And he says to me, "'McGuire, Will you kindly let me warm myself, Around your boilin' fire?" Then he turned around to the boiler, And upon the edge he knelt, And he toppled right into the boiler Full of hot ashpelt. |
3. Well we quickly pulled him out of it And we put him in a tub, And with soap and lots of heated water We did rub and scrub. But the divil a bit of tar came off, It was stuck on just like stone, And every time we gave a rub You could hear the poor man groan. 4. With the boilin' and the wettin', He caught a bloomin' cold, And for scientific purposes His body has been sold. Inside the National Museum now He's a-hanging by the belt, As an example of tlhe dire effects of the hot ashpelt. |
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