Ah! si mon moine voulait danser!

Melody -


|: Ah! si mon moine voulait danser! :|
|: Un capuchon je lui donnerais. :|

Danse, mon moin', danse!
Tu n'entends pas la danse,
Tu n'entends pas mon moulin, lon la
Tu n'entends pas mon moulin marcher.

|: Ah! si mon moine voulait danser! :|
|: Un ceinturon je lui donnerais. :|

|: Ah! si mon moine voulait danser! :|
|: Un chapelet je lui donnerais. :|

|: Ah! si mon moine voulait danser! :|
|: Un froc de bur' je lui donnerais. :|

|: Ah! si mon moine voulait danser! :|
|: Un beau psautier je lui donnerais. :|

|: S'il n'avait fait voeu de pauvreté, :|
|: Bien d'autres chos' je lui donnerais. :|

Tr. J. Mark Sugars 1998

|: Oh, if my monk would dance with me! :|
|: A big brown hood I would give to thee. :|

Come, my monk, let's dance now,
Together let us skip now,
As lightly on the measures go,
Our feet move merrily to and fro.

|: Oh, if my monk would dance with me! :|
|: A fine wide sash I would give to thee. :|

|: Oh, if my monk would dance with me! :|
|: A rosary I would give to thee. :|

|: Oh, if my monk would dance with me! :|
|: A homespun robe I would give to thee. :|

|: Oh, if my monk would dance with me! :|
|: A psalter rich I would give to thee. :|

|: If it weren't for your vow of poverty, :|
|: There's nicer things you would get from me. :|

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