
Melody -

A‘ole I piliwi ‘?
Kahi wai a‘o Alekoki
Ua ho‘okohu ka ua i uka
Noho maila i Nu'u-anu

Anauanu makehewa au
Ke kali ana i laila
Kain? paha ua pa‘a
Kou mana‘o i ‘ane‘i.

I? ‘ane‘i au
Ka pi‘ina a‘o Ma‘ema‘e
Ha ‘ala onaona kou
Ka i hiki mai i ‘ane‘i

Ua malu neia kino
Manuli o k? leo
Kau nui aku ka mana‘o
Kahi wai a‘o Kapena

Pani a pa‘a ‘ia mai
N? mana wai a‘o uka
Maluna a‘e n? au
Ma n? lumi li‘ili‘i.

Mawaho a‘o M?mala
Hao mai nei ehuehu
Pulu au i ka hunakai
Kai he‘ehe‘e i ka ‘ili.

Ho‘okahi n? koa nui
N?na e alo ia ‘ino,
‘Ino‘ino mai nei luna
I ka hao a ka makani.

He makani ‘aha‘ilono
Lohe ka luna i Pelekane.
A ‘oia p? uli nui
Mea ‘ole i ku‘u mana‘o.

E kilohi au i ka nani
N? pua o Mauna ‘ala.
Ha‘ina mai ka pu?na
Kahi wai a‘o Alekoki.
Waters of Alekoki
Like the rains of the uplands
In Nu‘u-anu.

Cold Forsaken me
Waiting there
Believing certain
Your thoughts were of me.

Here I am
At ma‘ema‘e Hill
Where your sweet fragrance
Has come to me.

This body is captive
To your voice.
Thoughts linger
At the waters of Kapena.

Upland streams,
And I am above
In little rooms.

Outside M?mala
Spray flurries
And I am wet with foam
And sea slippery to the skin.

One brave man
Faces the storm,
The streams above
And the blustering wind.

A wind bringing news
That the King of England hears.
This deep black night
Cannot worry me.

I behold beauty
And the flowers of Mauna ‘ala.
Tell the refrain-
Waters of Alekoki.

The hula, Alekoki, has been attributed to Prince Luna-lilo in 1850 and tells of his disappointment at not being able to marry Victoria Ka-mamalu, sister of Lot Kamehameha and Liho-Liho.
M?mala is Honolulu Harbor.
"Spray flurries" mean opposition to the marriage.
"Flowers" in the last verse means beautiful women.

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