The Mad Lady And Me

Melody -

1. Among the walls and ruins
Of the horrid civic stone
I walked without a lover
For my older bones.

2. The sun was strong in going down
It was a dreamlike day
It was there we met the trinity
And there I heard them saying.

3. And she said bye bye Mama
Goodbye brother John
Farethee well ye Shandon bells
Ring on, ring on.

4. She leaned and leaned much closer
And she hugs them all goodbye
Her mother cried "don't go my love"
We all must bye and bye.

5. A drunken tongue said "leave her off"
She'll drive us all crazy
She turned around and saw my face
And both of us was she.
  6. And she said bye bye Mama
Goodbye brother John
Farethee well ye Shandon bells
Ring on, ring on.

7. Up and to the limestone wall
And down the level steps
She threw herself into the stream
With a spash and no regrets.

8. Side stroke swimming midstream
Throwing kisses to the crowd
And everything was silent
And the sky had not one cloud.

9. And she said bye bye Mama
Goodbye brother John
Farethee well ye Shandon bells
Ring on, ring on.

10. We were swimming out in the sunset,
We were swimming out to sea,
Swimming down by the Opera House
The Mad Lady and me.

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