1. As I was a-walking down by the Locke Hospital Cold was the morning and dark was the day I spied a young squaddie wrapped up in old linen Wrapped up in old linen as cold as the day. 2. Oh mother, dear mother, come sit ya down by me Sit ya down by me and pity my sad plight For my body is injured and sadly disordered All by a young girl my own heart's delight. |
3. Get six of me comrades to carry my coffin Get six of me comrades to carry me on high And let every one hold a bunch of white roses So no-one will notice as we pass them by. 4. And over his headstone these words they were written "All ye young fellows take warning from me. Beware of the flash girls that roam through the city For the girls of the city were the ruin of me." |
Refrain: So play the drums slowly and play the fifes lowly Sound a dead march as you carry him along And over his coffin throw a bunch of white laurels For he's a young soldier cut down in his prime. |
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