Irish Soldier Boy

Melody -

1. At a cottage door one winters' night
As the snow lay on the ground
Stood a youthful Irish soldier boy
To the mountains he was bound
His mother stood beside him saying
You'll win my boy don't fear
With loving arms around his waist
She tied his bandolier.

2. Good bye, God bless you mother dear
I hope your heart won't pain
But pray to God that you should see
Your soldier boy again
And when I'm out in the firing line
It will be a source of joy
For you to know that you're remembering still
Your Irish soldier boy.
  3. And when the fighting it was o'er
And the flag of truce was raised
The leaders ordered fire to cease
All Ireland stood amazed.
His comrades came to the cottage door
With a note from her pride and joy
With an aching heart she cried God be good
To her Irish soldier boy.

4. Goodbye, God bless you mother dear
I'm dying a death so grand
From wounds received in action
Trying to free my native land
I hope we'll meet in heaven above
In that land beyond the sky
Where you'll always be in company
With Your Irish Soldier boy.

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