Es rikt zich on di nacht Ich gey arum farshmacht Aroysgetribn micht fun umetum Kleyder tserissene, nit keyn gevashene An oysgematerte gey ich arum. Koyft mayne beygelach Frishinke beygelach Nu, koyftshe gicher, koyft Ich darf dos geld. Ich bin an oreme Un a farloyrene A na-venadnitse Do oyf der velt. Mayn tate shikert nor On dem koym lebt er gor, Di shvester handelt itst Mit zich aleyn. In shtub iz groys di noyt Nito keyn shtikl broyt Fun tsores mid zing ich Mayn troyer lid: Oy koyftshe beygelach Aaaheysinke beygelach Zet, mayne eygelach Zenen farbrent. Oy, oy, oy, laytelach Git oyf popaytelach Un dos iz ales vos Ich hob gemeynt. Nu, koyftshe beygelach Vayl mer keyn koyches iz Shoyn bald nito. S'vert shvach di lingelach Kumt gicher yingelach Koyft a por beygelach Bay mir ot do. |
The night draws near With little strength I walk these streets Evicted and unwanted everywhere My clothes are torn, I am unwashed With tortured thoughts I wander about. Buy bagels Fresh bagels Buy quickly please I need to sell For I am poor And lost And homeless In this world. My father is on the bottle Without it he can barely exist My sister is trading Her own body away. Our home is full of misery, Not even a crust of bread And so, worn out with sorrow I sing my mournful song: Buy bagels Hot bagels See, my eyes Are burnt out. O you people, give At least a potato That is all I mean to beg. Buy bagels The last bagels For my strength is ebbing fast. My lungs are weakening Come quickly, young fellows And buy the few bagels I have to sell. |
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