Cape Cod girls they have no combs, Heave away, haul away! They combs their hair with cod fish bones. Heave away, haul away!
Chorus: |
3. Cap Cod kids don't have no sleds, Haul away, haul away! They slide down hills on cod fish heads. Heave away, haul away! Heave her up . . . . 4. Cape Cod ladies don't have no frills, Haul away, haul away! Skinny and light as codfish gills. Heave away, haul away! Heave her up . . . . 5. Cape Cod folks don't have no ills, Haul away, haul away! Cape Cod doctors feed 'em Codfish pills. Heave away, haul away! Heave her up . . . . |
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