Come all you bold fishermen, listen to me, While I sing to you a song of the sea.
2. First comes the blue-fish a-wagging his tail,
3. Next comes the eels, with their nimble tails,
4. Next come the herrings, with their little tails,
5. Next comes the porpoise, with his short snout,
6. Next comes the swordfish, the scourge of the sea,
7. Then comes the turbot, as red as a beet,
8. Having accomplished these wonderful feats,
9. Next comes the whale, the largest of all,
10. Then comes the mackerel, with his striped back,
11. Next comes the sprat, the smallest of all,
12. Then comes the catfish, with his chuckle had,
13. Next comes the flounder, quite fresh from the ground,
14. Along came a dolphin, flapping his tail,
15. Along came the shark, with his three rows of teeth,
16. Up jumps the fisherman, stalwart and grim, |
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