Come All Ye Fair and Tender Maidens

Melody - Melody -

1. Come all ye fair and tender maidens,
Take warning how you court young men,
One night they might shine like stars above you,
To love you that night, but ne'er again.

2. They win your heart with tender stories,
And they'll declare their love so true,
And then they'll go and court some other,
And such is the love they have for you.

3. They'll ask you out some night to dinner,
Where candles glow and music plays,
And just when you think that you're a winner,
"I love you" becomes an empty phrase.

4. Sometimes I wish I was a sparrow,
And I had wings with which to fly
Right over to see my false true-lover,
To give him a slap for ev'ry lie.

5. But no, I'm not a little sparrow,
I have no wings with which to fly
So I sit here in grief and sorrow,
Just moanin' away while time goes by.

6. If I had known before he courted,
That love was such a killing thing,
I'd a-locked my heart in a chest of iron,
And tied it down so it couldn't take wing.

7. Come all ye fair and tender maidens,
Take warning how you court young men,
One night they might shine like stars above you,
To love you that night, but ne'er again.

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