Come all ye airy bachelors, A warning take by me Give over your wild ramblin' And shun bad company. I lived as happy as a prince, When I was in the North. And the first of my misfortunes Was to 'list in the Light Horse.
2. Now it being a Thursday morn
3. "O no, kind sir, a soldier's life |
4. "So are you in a hurry now Or are you going away, Or won't you stand and listen To those words I'm going to say; Or do you live far from this place, The same I'd wish to know, Your name, kind sir, now if you please, Give me before you go.?"
5. "O, then, I am in a hurry,
6. He says: "Now Cousin Charlie, |
7. Farewell unto my father, dear, Likewise my sisters three Farewell unto my mother, Her kind face I ne'er will see; As I ride down through Armagh town, They all run in my mind So farewell unto my country, boys, And the girl I left behind. |
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