Come, all you sailors bold, Lend an ear, lend an ear, Come all you sailors bold, lend an ear; It's of our Admiral's fame, Brave Benbow call'd by name, How he fought on the main You shaII hear. Brave Benbow he set sail For to fight, for to fight, Brave Benbow he set sail for to fight; Brave Benbow he set sail, With a fine and pleasant gale, But his captains they turn'd tail In a fright. Says Kirby unto Wade, "I will run, I will run," Says Kirby unto Wade, "I will run:" I value not disgrace, Nor the losing of my place, My enemies I'll not face With a gun." |
'Twas the Ruby and Noah's Ark Fought the French, fought the French, 'Twas the Ruby and Noah's Ark fought the French: And there was ten in all, Poor souls they fought them all, They valued them not at all, Nor their stench. It was our Admiral's lot With a chain shot, with a chain shot, It was our Admiral's lot with a chain shot. Our Admiral lost his legs, And to his men he begs, "Fight on, my boys," he says, "'Tis my lot." While the surgeon dress'd his wounds, Thus he said, thus he said, While the surgeon dress'd his wounds, thus he said: "Let my cradle now in haste On the quarter-deck be plac'd, That my enemies I may face Till I'm dead." |
And there bold Benbow lay Crying out, crying out, And there bold Benbow lay, crying out: "Let us tack about once more, We'll drive them to their own shore, I value not haIf a score, Nor their noise." |