Come here, maw little Jacky, Now aw've smoked mi backy, Let's hev a bit o' cracky, Till the boat comes in. Chorus: Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy, Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing; Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy, Thou shall hev a fishy when the boat comes in. Here's thy mother humming, Like a canny woman; Yonder comes thy father, Drunk - he cannot stand. Chorus: Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy, Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing; Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy, Thou shall hev a haddock when the boat comes in. Our Tommy's always fuddling, He's so fond of ale, But he's kind to me, I hope he'll never fail. Chorus: Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy, Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing; Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy, Thou shall hev a bloater when the boat comes in. I like a drop mysel', When I can get it sly, And thou, my bonny bairn, Will lik't as well as I. Chorus: Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy, Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing; Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy, Thou shall hev a mackerel when the boat comes in. May we get a drop, Oft as we stand in need; And weel may the keel row That brings the bairns their bread. Chorus: Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy, Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing; Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy, Thou shall hev a salmon when the boat comes in. |
One of the best-loved of all Northumbrian folk songs, 'When the Boat Comes In' is perhaps as well known under its alternative title 'Dance to your Daddy'. The subject - the fisherman/father's return from the sea - is heavily laced with references to alcohol... so heavily in fact that one gets the impression that the whole family is incapable! R. R. Terry in his collection, Salt Sea Ballads, finds the verses 'all very silly and witless, and a libel on the Northumbrian fisher folk'. We prefer to see it rather more in terms of 'a bit o' cracky' - just a bit of fun! |
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