Dance, Thumbkin dance; Keep the thumb in motion. Dance, ye merrymen, every one; All the fingers in motion. For Thumbkin, he can dance alone, The thumb only moving. Thumbkin, he can dance alone The thumb only moving. Dance, Foreman, dance; The first finger moving. Dance, ye merrymen, every one; All the fingers moving. But Foreman, he can dance alone, Foreman, he can dance alone. |
Dance, Thumbkin, dance, Dance, ye merry men, everyone: But Thumbkin, he can dance alone, Thumbkin, he can dance alone. Dance, Foreman, dance, Dance, ye merry men, everyone: But Foreman, he can dance alone. Dance, Longman dance, etc. Dance, Ringman, dance, etc. Dance, Littleman, dance, etc. |
And so on with the other fingers, naming the second finger "Long Man," the third finger "Ring Man", the fourth finger "Little Man." |
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