Eidekene ketrab, heietab lõnga

Melody -

English and Latin translations by J. Mark Sugars 1998

Eidekene ketrab, heietab lõnga,
heietab kondisel käel,
|: värtnakese vurinal laulu lööb kaasa,
   kuni ta magama jääb. :|

Eidekene unes näeb kadunud noorust,
kallim tal härraste kokk,
|: eidekene paneb käed kallimale kaela,
   ärgates süles tal vokk. :|

Anus net, deducit glomus, deducit
osseis manibus, at
|: canit ea, una cum fremitu fusi,
   donicum somno se dat. :|

Nexa somno iuvenem obitum vidit;
equitum coquum amat;
|: mutuo amplectuntur, oculos recludit,
   rota in gremio stat. :|

An old woman spins, draws out the thread,
Draws it out with bony hand,
|: She sings along with the whirring of the spindle,
   Until she falls asleep. :|

The old woman, asleep, sees a vanished youth,
Her sweetheart, a cook of the nobility,
|: The old woman puts her hands on her sweetheart's neck,
   Waking, the spinning-wheel is in her lap. :|

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