It's of a false knight from the North Who came a-courting me He promised he'd take me unto the North land And there his bride would be Go fetch me some of your father's gold And some of your mother's fee And two of the finest horses they have in the stable For they have ten and thirty and three So she fetched some of her father's gold And some of her mother's fee And two of the finest horses they had in the stable For they had ten and thirty and three Then she got up on the noble brown And he on the dappled gray And they rode till they came to a broad watersider Two long hours before it was day Lie down, lie down, my Pretty Polly Lie down, lie down, said he For it's six king's daughters I have drowned here And it's you the seventh will be Now strip yourself, my Pretty Polly Now strip yourself, said he For your clothing's too rich and ever-costly For to rot in the salt of the sea Well turn your back to the leaves on the tree And face the salt water sea For it's not very right such a false-hearted youth A naked woman should see So he turned his back to the leaves on the tree And faced the salt-water sea And with all the strength pretty Polly she had She pushed him into the sea Oh help me, oh help me, my pretty Polly Oh help me, oh help me, cried he And I shall become your waiting man I shall wait on you night and day Oh no, oh no, you false-hearted youth Oh no, that never can be If it's six king's daughters you've drowned here You can rule o'er your company Then she got up on the noble brown And led the dappled gray And she rode till she came to her father's hall Two long hours before it was day Then up bespoke her poll parrot All from its cage so gay Why do you travel, my pretty Polly So long before it is day Then up bespoke her old father All from his room so grey Why do you chatter, my poll parrot So long before it is day The cat was up and about my cage And I could not get away So I called unto Miss Pretty Polly For to drive the cat away Well turned, well turned, my poll parrot Well turned, well turned, cried she For your cage I will make of the finest gold And your door, fine ivory |