Flying, with flowing sail, Over the summer sea! Sheer thro' the seething gale, Homeward bound was she! Flying with feath'ry prow, Bounding with slanting keel And glad was the sailor lad, As he steer'd and sang at his wheel. Chorus: 'Only another day to stray, Only another night to roam, Then safe at last, the harbour past, Safe in my Father's home!" |
Bright on the flashing brine, Glitter'd the summer sun! Sweetly the starry shine Smil'd when the day was done! Blithe was the breeze of heav'n, Filling the flying sail, And glad was the sailor lad As he steer'd and sang thro' the gale. Chorus: Sudden the lightnings flash'd, Like falchions in the dark! Sudden the thunders crash'd! Alas! for the gallant bark! There when the storm had pass'd, A dreary wreck lay she! But bright was the starry light, That shone on the summer sea! |
And a soft smile came from the stars, And a voice from the whisp'ring foam. Safe, safe at last, the danger past, Safe in his Father's Home! |