1. Here's a health to you, bonnie Kellswater For it's there you'll find the pleasures of life And it's there you'll find fishing and farming And a bonnie wee girl for your wife. 2. On the hills and the glens and the valleys Grows the softest of women so fine And the flowers are all dripping with honey There lives Martha, a true love of mine |
3. Bonnie Martha, you're the first girl I courted You're the one put my heart in a snare And if ever I should lose you to another I will leave my Kellswater so fair. 4. For this one and that one may court her But no other can take her from me For I love her as I love my Kellswater Like the primrose is loved by the bee. |
5. Here's a health to you, bonnie Kellswater For it's there you'll find the pleasures of life And it's there you'll find fishing and farming And a bonnie wee girl for your wife. |
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