Maid, Whither Go Thou

Melody -


Hey, troly loly lo, maid, whither go thou?
I go to the meadow to milk my cow.
Then at the meadow I will you meet,
To gather the flowers both fair and sweet
Nay, God forbid, that may not be!
I wish my mother then shall us see.

Now in this meadow fair and green
We may us sport and not be seen
And if ye will, I shall consent
How say ye, maid? be ye content?
Nay, in good faith, I'll not mell with you!
I pray you, sir, let me go milk my cow

Why will ye not give me no comfort,
That now in these fields we may us sport?
Nay, God forbid, that may not be!
I wish my mother then shall us see.
  Ye be so nice and so meet of age
That ye greatly move my courage
Sith I love you, love me again.
Let us make one, though we be twain
I pray you, sir, let me go milk my cow.

Ye have my heart, say what ye will,
Wherefore ye must my mind fulfill,
And grant me here your maidenhead,
Or elles I shall for you be dead.
I pray you, sir, let me go milk my cow

Then for this once I shall you spare,
But the next time ye must beware,
How in the meadow ye milk your cow
Adieu, farewell, and kiss me now!
I pray you, sir, let me go milk my cow.

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