I am a man of constant sorrow, I've seen trouble all of my days; I'll bid farewell to old Kentucky, The place where I was born and raised. Oh, six long year I've been blind, friends. My pleasures here on earth are done, In this world I have to ramble, For I have no parents to help me now. So fare you well my own true lover, I fear I'll never see you again, For I am bound to ride the Northern railroad, Perhaps I'll die upon the train. |
Oh, you may bury me in some deep velley, For many year there I may lay. Oh, when you're dreaming while you're slumbering While I am sleeping in the clay. Oh, fare you well to my native country, The place where I have loved so well, For I have all kinds of trouble, In this vain world no tongue can tell. Dear friends, although I may be a stranger, My face you may never see no more; But there is a promise that is given, Where we can meet on that beautiful shore. |
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