Playmate / Two Little Maids

Melody - H. W. Petrie, 1894 - Melody - Melody

Philip Wingate, 1894

Once there lived side by side, two little maids,
Used to dress just alike, hair down in braids,
Blue ging'am pinafores, stockings of red,
Little sun bonnets tied on each pretty head.

When school was over secrets they'd tell,
Whispering arm in arm, down by the well,
One day a quarrel came, hot tears were shed:
"You can't play in our yard," but the other said:
  Next day two little maids each other miss,
Quarrels are soon made up, sealed with a kiss,
Then hand in hand again, happy they go.
Friends all through life to be, they love each other so.

Soon school days pass away, sorrows and bliss
but love remembers yet, quarrels and kiss,
In sweet dreams of childhood, we hear the cry:
"You can't play in our yard," and the old reply:

I don't want to play in your yard,
I don't like you anymore,
You'll be sorry when you see me,
Sliding down our cellar door,
You can't holler down our rainbarrel,
You can't climb our apple tree,
I don't want to play in your yard,
If you won't be good to me.

See, see my playmate,
Come out and play with me
And bring your dollies three
Climb up my apple tree
Holler down my rain barrel
Slide down my cellar door
And we'll be jolly friends
Forever evermore.

Oh no my playmate
I can't come play with you
My dollies have the flu
Boo hoo boo hoo
Can't holler down rain barrels
Or slide down a cellar door
But we'll be jolly friends
Forever evermore.

Say, say, my playmate
Don't come and play with me
Don't bring your dollies three
Cut down my apple tree
Fall off my rainbow,
Into my cellar door
And we'll be enemies
Forever evermore.
  Say, say my enemy.
Come out and fight with me.
And bring your bulldogs three.
Climb up my sticker tree.
Slide down my lightning.
Into my dungeon door
And we'll be jolly enemies
Forever evermore.

Say say old enemy
Come out and fight with me
And bring your bb gun
And we'll have lots of fun
I'll scratch your eyes out
And make you bleed to death
And we'll be jolly enemies
Forever evermore.

Oh little enemy,
I cannot fight with you,
My mommy said not too
Boo hoo hoo hoo
I can't scratch your eyes out
And make you bleed to death
But we'll be jolly enemies
Forever evermore.

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