Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John; I'm bound away, I heard him say, My dollar and a half a day. A dollar and a half won't pay my way; Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John; A dollar and a half is an oozers pay. A dollar and a half a day. Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John; I'm bound away, I heard him say, My dollar and a half a day. A dollar and a half won't pay my way; Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John; A dollar and a half is a white man's pay. A dollar and a half a day. Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John; I'm bound away, I heard him say, My dollar and a half a day. We're bound away to Mobile Bay. Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John; We're bound away to Mobile Bay. A dollar and a half a day. Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John; I'm bound away, I heard him say, My dollar and a half a day. What shall we poor matelors do? Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John; What shall we poor matelors do? A dollar and a half a day. |
I dreamed my love came in my sleep, Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John. His eyes were wet as he did weep, My Lowlands, away! I shall never kiss you again, he said, Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John. For I am drowned in the Lowland seas. My Lowlands, away! No other man shall think me fair, Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John. My love lies drowned in the windy Lowlands, My Lowlands, away! |