I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night, Alive as you and me Says I "But Joe, you're ten years dead" |: "I never died" says he. :| "In Salt Lake, Joe, by God" says I, Him standing by my bed "They framed you on a murder charge" |: Says Joe "But I ain't dead." :| "The copper bosses killed you Joe, They shot you Joe" says I "Takes more than guns to kill a man" |: Says Joe "I didn't die." :| |
And standing there as big as life, And smiling with his eyes Joe says "What they forgot to kill |: Went on to organise." :| "Joe Hill ain't dead" he says to me, "Joe Hill ain't never died Where workingmen are out on strike |: Joe Hill is at their side." :| From San Diego up to Maine, In every mine and mill, Where workers strike and organise, |: Says he "You'll find Joe Hill." :| |
On 19th November, 1915, a young Swedish immigrant named Joseph Hillstrom was executed by a Utah firing squad on a phoney murder charge. Joe Hill, as he was known to workers throughout the west was a union organiser and songwriter. His last words were "Don't mourn for me, organise!" |
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