If I had but a thousand a year, Gaffer Green! If I had but a thousand a year, What a man would I be, And what sights could I see, If I had but a thousand a year, Gaffer Green! If I had but a thousand a year! The best wish you could have take my word Robin Ruff, Would scarce find you in bread or in beer; But be honest and true, And say what you would do If you had but a thousand a year, Robin Ruff? If you had but a thousand a year? I'd do I scarely know what, Gaffer Green I'd go, faith I hardly know where, I'd scatter the chink And leave others to think, If I had but a thousand a year, Gaffer Green, If I had but a thousand a year! |
But when you are aged and grey, Robin Ruff, And the day of your death it draws near, Say what with your pains Would you do with your gains, If you then had a thousand a year, Robin Ruff? If you then had a thousand a year? I scarcely can tell what you mean, Gaffer Green, For your questions are always so queer, But as other folks die, I suppose so must I. What, and give up your thousand a year, Robin Ruff? And give up your thousand a year? There's a place that is better than this, Robin Ruff, And I hope in my heart you'll go there, Where the poor man's as great Though he hath no estate, Aye, as if he'd a thousand a year, Robin Ruff, Aye as if he'd a thousand a year. |
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