I'm used to drivin' bullock teams Across the hills and plains I've teamed outback these forty years In blazin' droughts and rains I've lived a heap of troubles through, Without a bloomin' lie But I can't forget what happened me Nine miles from Gundagai 'twas gettin' dark, the team got bogged, The axle snapped in two I lost me matches and me pipe, Now what was I to do? The rains come down, 'twas bitter cold, And hungry too was I And the dog shat in the tucker-box Nine miles from Gundagai |
Some blokes I know has all the luck No matter how they fall But there was I, Lord love a duck, No flamin' luck at all. I couldn't make a pot of tea Nor keep me trousers dry And the dog shat in the tucker-box, Nine miles from Gundagai I could forgive the blinkin' tea, I could forgive the rain; I could forgive the dark and cold, And go through it again. I could forgive me rotten luck, But hang me till I die, I won't forgive that bloody dog, Nine miles from Gundagai. |
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