The Brewer Laddie

Melody -

In Perth there lived a bonnie lad,
A brewer to his trade O;
And he has courted Peggy Roy,
A young and handsome maid O.

Wi' a fal dal diddle um a die dum doo,
Wi' a fal dal diddle um a die doe.

He's courted her for seiven lang years,
A' for to gain her favour;
But there cam' a lad out o' Edinburgh toon,
Who swore that he would have her.

"It's will ye gang along wi' me,
And will ye be my honey?
It's will ye gang along wi' me,
And leave your brewer laddie!"

"It's I will gang along wi' you,
And along wi' you I'll ride O;
I'll gang wi' you to the end o' the earth,
Though I'm spoke for the brewer's bride O."

The brewer he came hame at e'en,
A speirin' for his honey,
Her faither he made this reply:
"She's no' been here since Monday."
  O, wasna that an unco ploy?
Wouldna anyone been offended?
To court wi' a lad for seiven years,
And leave him at the end o't!

"O, be it so and let her go,
For it shall never grieve me;
I'm a lad that's free, as you can see,
And a sma' thing will relieve me.

"There's as good fish into the sea
As ever yet was taken,
I'll cast my line and try again,
For I'm only once forsaken."

They've rambled up, they've rambled down,
They've rambled through Kirkaldie,
And mony's the time she's rued the day
She jilted her brewer laddie.

He's ta'en his course and away he's gane,
The country he has fled O,
And he's left nae sark upon her hack,
Nor blanket on her bed O.

The hrewer lad's set up in Perth,
And there he brews good ale O,
And he has taken another lass,
And ta'en her to his bed O.

Ye lovers a' where e'er ye be,
Just let this be a waming,
And never slight your ain true love,
For fear ye get a waur ane.

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