1. In the little streets of Belfast, In the dark of early morn British soldiers came a-running, Wrecking little homes with scorn Hear the sobs of crying children, Dragging fathers from their beds Watch the scenes as helpless mothers Watch the blood fall from their heads. Refrain: Armored cars and tanks and guns Came to take away our sons! But every man must stand behind The men behind the wire! |
2. Not for them a judge or jury, Nor for them a crime at all Being Irish means they're guilty, So they're guilty one and all Around the world the truth will echo: Cromwell's men are here again! England's name again is sullied In the eyes of honest men. Refrain: 3. Proudly march behind our banner; Proudly march behind our men! We will have them free to help us Build a nation once again! Come the people, step together, Proudly, firmly on your way Never fear and never falter, Till the boys come home to stay! Refrain: |
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