It ofttimes has been told, That the British seaman bold Could flog the tars of France So neat and handy, oh! But they never found their match, Till the Yankees did them catch, O, the Yankee boys for fighting Are the dandy, oh!
2. The Guerrière, a frigate bold,
3. When this frigate hove in view,
4. Then Dacres loudly cries,
5. The British shot flew hot, |
6. The first broadside we poured Took her mainmast by the board, Which made this lofty frigate Look abandoned, oh! The Dacres shook his head, And to his officers said, "Lord! I didn't think those Yankees Were so handy, oh!
7. Our second told so well,
8. Then Dacres came on board,
9. Now fill your glasses full, Now the Chesapeake so bold Sail'd from Boston I've been told For to take a British frigate Neat and handy-o. The people in the port All came out to see the sport, And the bands were playing 'Yankee Doodle Dandy-O!' |
The story of how the US frigate Constitution took the British Guerrière was a favourite forecastle ballad in American ships. The words are sung to the tune of 'The Pretty Girl of Derby O!' The British had a musical revenge as well as a naval one. When the Shannon beat the US Chesapeake the same tune was given new words as above: The song goes on to describe the British victory. |
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