Johnson's Motor Car

Melody -

1. It was down by Brannigan's corner
One morning I did stray
I met a fellow rebel
And to me he did say
He had orders from our Captain
To assemble at Dunbar
But how were we to get there
Without a motor car.

2. Oh Barney dear be of good cheer
I'll tell you what you'll do
The Specials they are plentiful
But the I.R.A. are few
We'll send a wire to Johnson
To meet us at Stranlar
And we'll give the boys a jolly good drive
In Johnson's motor car.

3. When Doctor Johnson heard the news
He soon put on his shoes
He said this is an urgent case,
There is not time to lose
He then put on his castor hat
And on his breast a star
You could hear the din going through Glen Fin
Of Johnson's motor car.
  4. But when he got to the Railway Bridge,
The rebels he saw there
Ould Johnson knew the game was up
For at him they did stare
He said I have a permit
To travel near and far
To hell with your English permit,
We want your motor car.

5. What will my loyal brethren think
When they hear the news
My car it has been commandeered
By the rebels at Dunluce
We'll give you a receipt for it,
All signed by Captain Barr
And when Ireland gets her freedom, boy,
You'll get your motor car!

6. Well they put that car in motion
And they filled it to the brim
With guns and bayonets shining,
Which made ould Johmon grim
Then Barney hoisted the Sinn Fein flag
And it fluttered like a star
And we gave three cheers for the I.R.A.
And Johnson's motor car.

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