It was in the year of forty four,
In March the second day,
That our gallant ship her anchors weighed,
And for the sea they bore away,
Brave boys,
And for sea they bore away.
2. And when we came to far Greenland,
And to Greenland cold we came,
Where there's frost and snow
And the whalefishes blow,
Brave boys,
And the whalefishes blow.
3. Our bosun went to topmast high
With his spyglass in his hand.
"A whale! There's a whalefish," he cried,
"And she blows at every span,
Brave boys,
She blows at every span."
4. Our captain stood on the quarterdeck,
And a brave little man was he.
"Overhaul, overhaul, on your davit tackles fall
And launch your boats for sea,
Brave boys, And launch your boats for sea."
5. We struck the whale, away he went,
And he lashed out with his tail,
And we lost the boat and five good men,
And we never got the whale,
Brave boys,
And we did not get that whale.
6. O, Greenland is an awful place,
Where the daylight's seldom seen,
Where there's frost and snow,
And the whalefishes blow,
Brave boys,
And the whalefishes blow.