I've traveled east and I've traveled west And I've traveled owre Kirkaldy, But the bonniest lass that e'er I spied, She was followin' her collier laddie. Refrain: Laddie, O laddie, The bonniest lass that e'er I spied, She was followin' her collier laddie. "O whaur live ye my bonnie lass? Come tell me what they ca' ye." "Bonnie Jean Gordon is my name, And I'm followin' a collier laddie." "O would ye fancy ane that's black And you sae fair and gaudy? O fancy ane o' higher degree, Than followin' a collier laddie. "Ye see yon hills the sun shines on, The sun shines on sae gaudy; They a' are mine and they shall be thine, Gin ye'll leave your collier laddie." |
"Though ye had a' the sun shines on, And the earth conceals sae lowly, I wad turn my back on you and it a' And follow my collier laddie." Then he has gane to her faither dear, To her faither gane sae brawly; Says: "Wilt ye gie me your bonnie, bonnie lass That's followin' a collier laddie? "O would she marry a man that's black, And me sea braw and gaudy? I'll raise her up to a higher degree Than followin' a collier laddie." Her faither then he vowed and swore: "Though he be black he's bonnie; She's mair delight in him, I fear, Than in you wi' a' your money." "O I can win my five pennies a day, And spend't at nicht fu' brawly, And I'll mak' my bed in the collier's neuk And lie doon wi' my collier laddie. |
"Love for love is the hargain for me, Though the wee cot-hoose should haud me, And the world before me to win my breid, And fare for my collier laddie. |
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