I will not bow to a titled knave, Nor crouch to a lordly priest: A martyr's torments I'd rather brave, Than be of my manhood fleeced. I'll bend my knee to no fancied god, I'll fear no ghost so wan, Erect and free I'll stand on the sod, And act as becomes a man. |
I will not bow to a titled knave, Nor crouch to a lordly priest: A martyr's torments I'd rather brave, Than be of my manhood fleeced. I'll bend my knee to no fancied god, I'll fear no ghost so wan, Erect and free I'll stand on the sod, And act as becomes a man. |
I'll love the true, I will do the right, Ruled only by Reason's sway, Let all do so; and the world's dark night Will melt into rosy day. |
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