Jack dances and sings and is always content; In his vows to his lass he'll ne'er fail her, His anchor's a trip when his money's all spent, And this is the life of a sailor. Alert in his duty, he readily flies Where winds the tired vessel are flinging; Though sunk to the sea-gods or toss'd to the skies, Still Jack is found working and singing. 'Long side of an enemy, boldly and brave He'll with broadside and broadside regale her; Yet he'll sigh from his soul o'er that enemy's grave, So noble's the mind of a sailor. Let cannons roar loud, burst their sides let the bombs, Let the winds a dread hurricane rattle. The rough and the pleasant he takes as it comes, And laughs at the storm and the battle. In a fostering pow'r while Jack puts his trust, As fortune comes smiling he'll hail her, Resign'd still and manly, since what must be, must, And this is the mind of a sailor. Tho' careless and headlong, if danger should press, And rank'd 'mongst the free list of rovers, Yet he'll melt into tears at a tale of distress, And prove the most constant of lovers. To rancour unknown, to no passion a slave, Nor unmanly, nor mean, nor a railer; He's gentle as mercy, as fortitude brave, And this is a true English sailor. |
A characteristic eighteenth-century sea song, 'The True English Sailor' was written and composed by Charles Dibdin the elder (1745-1814) whose sailor songs were believed by Napoleon to have done more for British naval glory than all Nelson's bravery. His hundreds of songs won him recognition and a pension of £200 per annum from the government, but inefficient copyright laws lost him many times that amount in pirated songs and poems. |
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