Come all you young fellows Wherever you be Come listen awhile And I'll tell ye, Concerning the hardships That we undergo, When we got lagh'd to Virginia. Such clever young fellows Myself I have seen, That is more fitting to Serve George our King. Those hard hearted judges So cruel have been, To lag us poor lads to Virginia. When I was an apprentice In fair London town Many hours serv'd duly and truly, Till those buxom young lasses Led me astray, My work I neglected More and more every day And for to maintain it Went on the highway, By that I got lagh'd to Virginia. When we came to Virginia That old ancient town, The place that is so much admired Where the captain he stands With the cane in his hand With our aching hearts Before him doth stand With the tears in our eyes In a foreign land, Was sold for a slave in Virginia. When I was in England I could live at my ease, Rest my bones down on soft leathers, With a jug in my hand And a lass on my knee, I thought myself fit for all weathers: But now in Virginia I lay like a dog, Our pillows at night is a brick or a log, We dress and undress Like some other sea hog, How hard is our fate in Virginia. Old England Old England I shall ne'er see more If I do it's ten thousand to twenty, My bones are quite rotten My feet is quite sore, I'm parched with the fever And am at death's door. But if ever I live to see Seven years more, Then I'll bid adieu to Virginia. |
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